You may have seen the new barbed wire fencing around the private Brook Field, the bottom field of what are known as the “Glebe Fields” in between Granville Road and Detillens Lane.

The tenant farmer has grazing rights to put cattle there and the owners of the field, the Titsey Estate, have put up the fencing to ensure that cattle are no longer able to escape into gardens or the road.

As this is a private field, there is no access for the public.

The Glebe Field (the top field between the Brook Field and Detillens Lane) is still accessible via the designated public footpath from Granville to Detillens, and/or via the permissive path from the Glebe Meadow (football pitch area by Panda/Limpsfield Fitness) to the Glebe Field.

These paths are both accessible to disabled users.

Please remember to pick up all dog poo and put bags in the dog poo bins provided at each exit to the fields. Thank you.