The Parish Clerk receives notifications from Surrey County Council when the gritters will be out and if snow is forecast.

Surrey County Council do not grit pavements, only roads along their designated gritting routes.

Limpsfield Parish Council aims to assist local residents and businesses in keeping the pavements around Limpsfield Village passable and free from snow in the event of heavy snow fall.

Areas of focus are:

  • Access to Panda Nursery and Limpsfield Fitness in the Church Hall car park
  • Access to Limpsfield CofE School via the school car park and Pebble Hill footpath
  • Access to Limpsfield Village Store
  • Access to the sheltered housing in Hookwood Park

The following pathways will be gritted/salted or cleared if necessary:

  • St Peter’s Hall Car Park to Limpsfield High Street
  • Hookwood Park from sheltered accommodation to High Street
  • Footpath from Limpsfield High Street to Limpsfield School and pavement from Limpsfield School to A25 crossing
  • A25 Pavement Limpsfield School to traffic lights
  • Limpsfield High Street (Bluehouse Lane to Detillens Lane – west side).
  • Detillens Lane Junction with High Street to end of Conservation Area (both sides)
  • Stanhopes adjacent to Manor House (north side)
  • Limpsfield High Street Detillens Lane junction to traffic lights (both sides)
  • Wolf’s Row


  • If snow is predicted, volunteers to grit/salt priority pavements
  • If snow has fallen, volunteers to sweep/grit/salt High Street pavements
  • Shopkeepers / business owners and residents are kindly asked to clear pavements in front of their properties – grit/salt in bins provided may be used (see locations above)


Any individual using the grit/salt will be acting on their own initiative and this action will be entirely at their own risk.

It is recommended that the following equipment is used when spreading the salt: a high visibility vest/jacket, warm gloves, sturdy non-slip waterproof footwear, warm clothing, a snow shovel and a fully charged mobile phone.

If you are working alone, always contact someone when starting and finishing.

Location of Salt Bins and/or Hippo Bags in Limpsfield

  1. Hookwood Park (LPC maintained)
  2. Wolf’s Row (Maintained by SCC)
  3. Limpsfield Infants School car park (LPC maintained)
  4. St Peters Church Hall car park (LPC maintained)
  5. Sylvans Close (Maintained by SCC)
  6. Uvedale/Brassey Road junction (LPC maintained)
  7. Ridlands Rise/Lane junction (Maintained by SCC)

SCC Road Gritting Route

Salting and Gritting information from Surrey County Council –

Here is the map link:

SNOW CODE (Department of Transport)

Clear snow from a road, path or cycleway

You can clear snow and ice from pavements yourself.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be sued or held responsible if someone is injured on a path or pavement if you’ve cleared it carefully.

How to clear snow and ice

When you clear snow and ice:

  • Do it early in the day – it’s easier to move fresh, loose snow
  • Don’t use water – it might refreeze and turn to black ice
  • Use salt if possible – it will melt the ice or snow and stop it from refreezing overnight (but don’t use the salt from salting bins as this is used to keep roads clear)
  • You can use ash and sand if you don’t have enough salt – it will provide grip underfoot
  • Pay extra attention when clearing steps and steep pathways – using more salt may help

Council gritting – You can find out which roads and pavements your council grits in icy or snowy weather.