In common with all other Parish Councils, Limpsfield Parish Council (LPC) plays an important, although not a decisive role in the planning process.

Tandridge District Council (TDC) invites LPC for comment on planning applications submitted which relate to the Parish.

This is now particularly pertinent as in relation to the Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) and all planning applications will receive consideration with view to how they meet and comply with the expectations and criteria of the LNP and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning a new commercial or residential development or developing your existing home or business premises, your planning application MUST refer and adhere to the policies set out in the Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan. If you are in the Limpsfield Village Conservation Area you should also refer to the LVCAAMP.

Viewing applications and determinations

Any application can be viewed online on the TDC website by searching the application number.

The Parish Council’s views on Planning Applications can be seen on the TDC website, and are also listed in the Monthly Parish Council Meeting Minutes – available on this website.

Should you wish to comment on a particular application please contact the planning department at Tandridge District Council by phone on 01883 722000 or fill out a comment form by clicking here and quoting the application number.

The Planning Process

  1. Local planning applications are usually determined by the District Council’s planning officers. The Parish Council is purely a consultee.
  2. Tandridge Planning Dept will notify Limpsfield Parish Council of all planning applications relating to the Limpsfield parish (and any applications on our boundaries) and invite us to respond. 
  3. The Parish Council’s planning committee reviews the applications on a monthly basis. Members of the public are invited to attend to talk about an application if they wish (via the clerk as invited on the published agenda)
  4. The Parish Council will decide to object, comment or request conditions, or “have no comment to make / no material grounds for refusal” for each application. 
  5. If it is a particularly contentious application and there is concern it might be approved, the Parish Council (and equally, members of the public) can ask their District Councillor to consider “calling it in” to [TDC] Planning Committee which usually meets on a monthly basis. The TDC Planning Committee will not ordinarily have sight of applications unless they are called in or under consideration to be called in. NB. As a Parish Council we cannot call it in ourselves and requesting it be “called in” does not guarantee it will be.
  6. If the application is “called in”, a representative from the Parish Council and one member of the public are invited to briefly present their views to the committee. A final decision is made there and then.
  7. If the application is not “called in”, it will be determined by the individual planning officer, and that is the end of the matter. 

For clarification

  • You cannot challenge an approved application. However, if the parish council or a member of the public believes the planning authority has acted unlawfully in the process of granting the application, the LPC planning committee or members of the public, can request a judicial review within six weeks of the decision. But this has to be on a legal point pertaining to the process which can be a lengthy and very costly exercise.  There is also no guarantee that a redetermination will result in a different decision.
  • You can write a complaint to the planning authority via the official complaints procedure, but this cannot alter the planning decision.
  • An applicant may appeal a refusal.  This is a lengthy process and the Parish Council may submit additional comments, but does not have any decision-making capacity.  

Planning Meetings

Latest Planning Committee Minutes can be viewed below. Monthly meetings are held with the Planning Committee (usually on the fourth Tuesday), but key applications are also discussed at the Full Parish Council Meeting if required.  Please note all minutes are signed off at the subsequent planning meeting.

Tuesday 8th August 2024

Tuesday 25th June 2024

Tuesday, 28th May 2024

Recent (Signed) Planning Meeting Minutes

For older minutes, please contact the Clerk

There was no December 2023 meeting

Please note there was no December 2022 meeting.

Please note there was no September meeting.

MATTERS of interest

The Limpsfield Village Conservation Area Assessment & Management Plan document has now been adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by Tandridge. Please see

Please also see the blog post about the Gaywood Solar project here

A25 Puffin Crossing proposal – February 2022

Link to blog post regarding this project HERE.

Green Hedges Westerham Road development / parking letter