In January 2016, Limpsfield Parish Council agreed to commission a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.

This Plan gives people who live in the parish of Limpsfield the opportunity to shape the future of our parish.  It gives our community the ability to protect our countryside and green spaces, to decide: where we want any type of development and the type and character of that development to influence the infrastructure provision necessary to support our residents; and to create policies for local development.

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By taking control of the framework for decision making about the Parish, we can influence the way Limpsfield develops over the next fifteen years and ensure a strong and sustainable future for our area, whilst at the same time protecting the character and attributes of Limpsfield which are so valued.

At each stage, as the Neighbourhood Plan developed, we consulted with the community, to ensure that the views and opinions of the community are properly reflected in this plan.

CLICK HERE for the Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Committee page. 

The Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan would not have been possible without many months of work by the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the other volunteers who have given their time and services so freely to the parish to contribute and produce this Plan.  I would thank all of those involved, for their time, energy and commitment.”

Cllr Mark Wilson.

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The Plan was submitted to Tandridge District Council in September 2018, and following the council’s own consultation, the plan was submitted for examination by an independent examiner.

The Final Plan went to Referendum in May 2019, to allow Limpsfield residents to vote on the adoption of the Plan, at which it was voted in by a large majority.

On Tuesday 25 June 2019, the Planning Policy Committee, on behalf of the Council, “made” (adopted) the Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan. The adopted version of the plan and an adoption statement are available to view below:

Click HERE to View the maps associated with the Adopted Neighbourhood Plan.

Click HERE to View all other documents associated with the Neighbourhood Plan application.

Links to all local neighbourhood plans are on the Tandridge website, HERE. 

I must congratulate Limpsfield Parish Council for preparing what is a locally distinct neighbourhood plan, which seeks to deliver on the expressed priorities of the residents of Limpsfield. The plan will provide a sound basis for dealing with planning applications in the parish in the next few years.

John Slater, John Slater Planning ltd, Independent Examiner.