Last week, Local Plan Inspector, Philip Lewis, published a letter to Tandridge District Council regarding questions on the viability and funding for the proposed South Godstone Garden Community scheme. The Inspector is currently considering his decision on whether to approve the Local Plan, of which the “Garden Village” is the key feature…
Tag: Local Plan
The formal hearing sessions for the Local Plan examination resume on Tuesday 5 November at 9.30am and will be heard by planning Inspector Philip Lewis BA (Hons) MA MRTPI. Please note this is Week 3 of the hearings. The postponed Week 2 hearings will be rescheduled to a later date – as yet TBC.
News from Tandridge District Council re Local Plan Hearings: “Due to a family bereavement, Inspector Philip Lewis has postponed Week 2 of the formal hearing sessions for (Tandridge) Local Plan examination.