In these “Covid times” we are pulling together as a community in so many ways, helping neighbours, supporting local business and enjoying a renewed sense of community. So, it would be great if we could ALL take pride in our beautiful Parish and help to keep Limpsfield looking lovely!

We are spending more time at home, in our villages and local countryside and are likely to continue to do so more in the future as we enter our ‘new normal’.

In order to keep our environment and beautiful villages and countryside healthy, we can ALL do very simple things such as the following:

  • Picking up bits of rubbish and discarded dog poo bags from the road / pavements
  • Taking a bin bag on a walk once a week to pick up litter
  • Taking secateurs on your daily walk to cut back any nettles and brambles encroaching over the paths
  • Reporting any footpath obstructions or damage to footpaths and signs to the parish council
  • Weeding the pavement and curb outside your house and mowing verges
  • De-griming road signs if they’re next to your house
  • Reporting any damaged signs or street furniture, rubbish or fly-tipping to Tandridge or the parish council (links on bottom of this website)

These are all little things but everything helps and it’s great to work together.
Twitter @LimpsfieldPC
Instagram @limpsfieldparishcouncil
Facebook @limpsfieldparishcouncil

Please keep an eye on our feeds for Parish Council updates and useful information and feel free to like, share and comment!

#stayalert #stayintouch