serving the limpsfield community

Category: Broadband

Improving broadband connectivity in rural areas

The Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) wants to hear views and experiences of consumers’ broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas of the UK. There is currently an online survey which forms part of a consultation about the issue.

Given much of the Limpsfield parish area is rural and there are certainly broadband and mobile signal issues in the rural areas, Limpsfield Chart etc, it would be useful if you could take the online survey using the link below (of course you need to be able to get onto the internet to do this… hmmm…could be a flaw 😉 )


Deadline is 11:45pm on 11 June 2021

Options For Accessing Faster Broadband Speeds

Following on from our last post about local company Airfast, we want to make you aware of two Government initiatives (the broadband USO and the Rural Gigabit Vouchers) that you may wish to investigate…

AirFast now provides Limpsfield residents with superfast broadband solution

Frustrated by slow or no broadband?

Internet speed and lack of cable internet in the Limpsfield area has been an issue for a number of years, due to lack of infrastructure and poor aerial reception due to the North Downs. However, local not-for-profit internet company, can now provide a SUPERFAST internet service to Limpsfield residents. 

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