The rubbish and recycling collection teams are doing their very best to keep up with increased loads while having decreased workforce. Please help them by following these important guidelines…

  1. Don’t park your car so it blocks the access to the road. Collection vehicles and emergency vehicles need to easily access your road.
  2. Put your bin out early (preferably the night before or before 6am) and leave it out until it’s been emptied.
  3. Put your bin at the edge of your property, not on the pavement or in the road.
  4. Put food waste in your green food caddy. Do not put it in your rubbish bin.
  5. If you are ill, please double bag any waste and leave it in a safe place for 72 hours before you put it in your bins.
  6. Compact your recycling as much as possible to maximise space and only put bins out when they are full.
  7. Excess rubbish on top of or down by the side of your black wheeled rubbish bin will not be collected.
  8. Do not overload bins or burn waste. Keep it until the current crisis is over.

Compost your garden waste where possible. Do not put it in black bins.

Community recycling centres are closed until further notice: Please store at home any items you would normally take to a centre until they re-open, please don’t put them in your bins.
No bonfires please during lockdown: Think of others and to not light bonfires. Smoke exacerbates respiratory problems and your smoke may prevent your neighbours from using their gardens or green space near your property.

Charity bins – Do not leave anything outside closed charity shops or clothes bins – this is FLY TIPPING, which is illegal dumping and a crime.
DO NOT FLYTIP ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME: It is against the law and those convicted face fines of up to £50,000 or up to five years’ imprisonment.

More information on rubbish collections during this time is on Tandridge District Council’s dedicated Coronavirus page:

Thanks very much. #stayhome #staysafe