On Thursday 7th July, Limpsfield was judged for the annual Britain in Bloom competition by Paul Dalby from RHS South and South East in Bloom.
The village was pristine with help from many “Bloomers” to weed and brush the pavements, and from Tandridge District Council road cleaners who came down twice to clean up for us – we are so grateful to them.
The visit included a look round the lovely churchyard, so ably cared for by Doug; a trip to the Fitness Centre and Panda Nursery on the Glebe Meadow, with lots of lovely hanging baskets and tubs being watered by the children.
We then went on to the River Eden, where we recently had a working party to clear a mass of overgrown vegetation – it looked great, though there was no water in the river!
Next, a trip to the Bull to meet Danny – this year The Bull has been very supportive with three splendid hanging baskets and a tub of flowers, plus a financial contribution to the newly resurfaced lane, organised by the residents.
We visited the Hookwood Bungalows to admire the four borders and the three troughs planted in red, white and blue. On to the Memorial Stores where lots of friends were waiting for the official photo.
The judge met two girls who are doing their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and have worked with us this year, including nurturing two lovely pots of annual flowers, grown from small plug plants and on display, looking magnificent.
Then a trip to the Community Orchard, passing the border opposite Sylvan Close which is now so much lighter and easier to manage as the large trees overhanging the wall have been removed. Hooray!!
The troughs at the A25 are looking excellent and the wild flowers have come out at just the right time.
The Community Orchard, with its new irrigation system, is full of fruit – with natural wild flowers around the trees… and so back for tea outside The Limpsfield Cookery School, with flowery cupcakes, and Joan’s famous coffee and walnut cake. So kind of you Jacqui, Joan and Nila to provide this.
Many, many thanks to everyone for their help – and now we wait until September to see if we have been awarded another gold medal – I do hope so!
Ann Osborn