Did you know that this week is National Tree Week? We’d like to say a big thank you to all the fabulous individuals and groups who keep our Limpsfield woodlands so lovely…
We have some great volunteers, individuals and groups in Limpsfield who work very hard alongside the National Trust and The Woodland Trust to make sure that our lovely woodland areas stay as healthy as possible.
Thank you to the Limpsfield Community Orchard and Friends of Limpsfield Common for all they do, and of course to Mark Richards and Eleanor Yoxall who head up our local National Trust team and do so much to help keep our woodlands in a lovely condition for locals and visitors to enjoy.
Don’t forget, that the Friends of Limpsfield Common have regular log sales from car parks along the Kent Hatch Road. Keep an eye on the Friends of Limpsfield Common Facebook page for the next log sale. Proceeds are used to pay for tools and spare parts for the Volunteers, who work on the National Trust land at Limpsfield Common every Thursday morning.
The Daily Mail is urging everyone to be a #TreeAngel and support tree planting around the country, including the creation of 1,000 orchards in 1,000 schools and placing many more trees in towns and communities.
If you want to donate to this cause, head to https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/giving/dailymailtreeangel.
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