serving the limpsfield community

Tag: Surrey

Be kind, be neighbourly

While we all hope that the coronavirus will run its course in as short a time as possible so we can get back to normal, we must be aware that there will be a number of people in our community who are more isolated than usual, may need help, support or just a bit of company.

A very Merry Christmas from Limpsfield PC

It’s been a very positive and productive year for the Limpsfield Parish Council, having had our Neighbourhood Plan adopted and new councillors injecting some extra enthusiasm and positivity!

Pitchfont Lane is no longer a bog!

If you’re a regular walker or rider around the Limpsfield / Titsey area you will probably have had to tiptoe around the edge of Pitchfont bridleway on numerous occasions, as in the winter months or after heavy rain, it turns into a mire at the end of the lane by Titsey Road.  

Autumn leaves – please don’t blow…

Tandridge District Council is asking all residents to help keep leaves out of roads and drains as much as possible by not raking and blowing them into the roads, but bagging, composting or taking to the local community recycling centre instead…

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