serving the limpsfield community

Category: News Page 3 of 8

Gaywood Solar Project – Consultation Event 20 January 2022

Members of the public are invited to attend an open public consultation event at Rickards Hall, Edenbridge on January 20th to view and discuss details of a proposed solar project on the Kent/Surrey border, near Edenbridge. Members of the community will have the opportunity to ask any questions about the proposed project.

Your chance to be part of the Surrey Hills AONB Review and have Limpsfield included in the future

As you may know, Surrey Hills AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) is undertaking a Boundary Review and looking at extending its boundaries to include areas of Limpsfield (amongst others) within the designated area. ⠀

Friends publish illustrated book on Limpsfield Common

The Friends of Limpsfield Common (FoLC) have just published a lovely book that tracks the development of the Commons since their beginning, complete with some wonderful and rarely seen photographs, maps and drawings of the area. 

Imminent road closures affecting Limpsfield residents

There are three road closures coming up that will affect Limpsfield residents:

  1. Red Lane – will be closed for roadworks – Monday 29 Nov until 3 Dec for connection works by UK Power Networks. Please use alternative routes.
  2. A25 West Hill / East Hill (from Morrisons Traffic Lights to the Esso Garage) will be closed at night for surface dressing prior to resurfacing from Wednesday December 8th for 3 nights, 8pm – 6am
  3. Moorhouse Road, Limpsfield Chart (from Westerham Road to Kent Hatch Road) closed for pre-patching work. Monday 13 December for 3 days (daytime)



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We’d like your thoughts about CCTV in Oxted & Limpsfield

Oxted Parish Council and Limpsfield Parish Council, together with Tandridge District council, The Oxted Business Improvement District and The Trustees of Master Park are considering installing a CCTV system.  

The CCTV would act as a key tool in detecting and preventing crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour.  

The cameras would not be monitored on a 24-hour basis but the recordings from the cameras could be viewed following any instances of crime, disorder or antisocial behaviour.  

Cameras will cover Station Road East (part of which is in Limpsfield Parish) and Station Road West, Master Park and Hurst Green Shops.  

The CCTV system would be jointly funded with Oxted Parish Council providing a significant share of the funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) that it receives.

Oxted Parish Council and Limpsfield Parish Council are interested in your views on the provision of such a CCTV system and would appreciate you completing this questionnaire.  

The questionnaire should only take a few minutes to complete and will run until 7th January 2022.

To fill in the questionnaire online, Scan the QR code below or click on the link here to complete it online.

Or please fill in the below and return to Oxted Parish Council, Salmons, Salmons Lane, Whyteleafe, Surrey, CR3 0HB.

1. Do you support CCTV being installed within the Parishes of Oxted and Limpsfield?

Yes     □
No      □

2. Your Postcode? ………………………..

3. Additional Comments – please add here anything else you would like to comment on?




Information can be requested from Mrs Maureen Gibbins, Clerk & RFO Oxted PC – Tel: 07510 226989  Email: – or from Sophie Marin, Clerk & RFO at Limpsfield Parish Council  

Please note: Your postcode will aid the analysis of any issues or concerns raised to determine if they relate to a particular area of the Oxted or Limpsfield Parishes.

Thank you for your participation.

Nominate your favourite Limpsfield assets

Have you got a favourite building or structure in Limpsfield that is not already listed or protected?

A new project is underway to identify assets across Surrey that are valued by the community and play a key role in reinforcing a sense of local character and distinctiveness.

Over the next year, Surrey County Council will be producing an updated local heritage asset list for the district. 

Limpsfield Parish Council’s Planning Committee will also be reviewing local buildings and structures to identify those we think should be on the list.

Assets on local heritage lists, also known as local listing, are not protected in the same way as listed buildings, but can be afforded protection through the planning system as ‘non-designated heritage assets’.

What can be on the list?

  • building
  • monument
  • site
  • place
  • area
  • landscape

…in fact pretty much anything that has heritage significance, but is not recognised by another planning designation (e.g. listed building or in a conservation area).

They should give an insight into the history of communities and places and provides us with a physical link to our past.

How to nominate

The nomination process opens on 5 October and closes at 5pm on 16 November. You can nominate using the online form – click on the link below.

To find out more, including the criteria being used and how to submit a nomination, please visit Surrey County Council’s Local heritage list project.

To find out the selection criteria, please click HERE or download the document below.

To see buildings that are either on the current Buildings of Character (2013) list or are Listed Buildings, please see the documents for download below.

Feature image © Copyright David Anstiss and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Friends of Limpsfield Common Annual Public Meeting

All members and Limpsfield residents are invited to the Annual Public Meeting of the Friends of Limpsfield Common – to be held on Saturday 18th September 2021, at St. Andrew’s Hall, Limpsfield Chart, 11.30 a.m. for an 11.45.

Limpsfield Way progress with Your Fund Surrey bid

As you know, we’ve been working on a submission to Your Fund Surrey, a huge local fund set up by Surrey County Council to enable local communities and organisations to fund some exciting community-based projects.

We have now submitted our formal funding application for the Limpsfield Way walk and community cycle route, and over the next 3 weeks we need as much community support as possible and are asking you for your input to ensure success of our bid. To register your support, please review the bid and leave comments on our dedicated entry on the Your Fund Surrey site here:

National Trust is looking for a Ranger for Limpsfield Common

Do you know about trees, conservation and land management? Or know someone who does? The National Trust is looking for an experienced Area Ranger to join their team and help look after our wonderful Limpsfield Common.

Wellbeing Support in Difficult Times

The last year has taken its toll on everyone in different ways, and many people have been struggling with all sorts of issues both at home and at work. South Tandridge Primary Care Network now offers a free Wellbeing Prescription Service to help people with their mental health.

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