serving the limpsfield community

Category: News Page 7 of 8

LPC donates ECG machine to Oxted Health Centre

Chairman of the Limpsfield Parish Council, John Thompson met with Pat Moore of the Oxted Patient Action Group and Dr David Hill from Oxted Health Centre yesterday to deliver a much-needed 24 hour ECG machine.

In search of WH Wood!

Our resident history buff, Cllr Ashley Fosdike has been clearing out the Parish Office (the original office located at The Pound on Wolfs Row) and sorting / reviving all the historical documents, so we can get them properly archived and safe for future generations.

She’s found some amazing treasures, some going back to the 1700s, including deeds, maps, poor relief payments, agenda and minutes.

Amongst these items she also uncovered a folder of non-Parish Council related letters and documents belonging to a certain WH Wood (Walter Wood), who was apparently a local estate agent (based on Limpsfield High Street) and former Clerk to the Limpsfield Parish Council for an astounding 39 years until the end of the 1950s. He died in 1963 and was married to an E Wood and we believe lived in Ellice Road, Oxted.

Does anyone know WH Wood’s family? We’d love to be able to return the folder to them if they are interested in the contents (if not, we can archive).

Please get in touch. 07514 011355

Despite the weather, new footpath gates go in…

Horrid weather or not, our footpath improvement project made great strides today as the fabulous East Surrey Walkers team installed the LPC funded gates at Chartlands Farm, Caxton Lane in Limpsfield Chart.

A very Merry Christmas from Limpsfield PC

It’s been a very positive and productive year for the Limpsfield Parish Council, having had our Neighbourhood Plan adopted and new councillors injecting some extra enthusiasm and positivity!

New parish council, new newsletter!

Over the weekend Limpsfield residents should have started receiving the LPC News, which is being delivered by both the fabulous Parish News road steward teams (with your Parish News magazine if you’re in the St Peter’s area) and also by our own Parish Council elves!

The newsletter should reach everyone in the Limpsfield Parish by the end of the week.

Brook Field footpath surfacing completed

We’re very happy to let you know that we have completed our work on Footpath 78, the public footpath that runs over the River Eden from Granville Road up to Detillens Lane, with several tonnes of aggregate having been laid.

National Tree Week

Did you know that this week is National Tree Week? We’d like to say a big thank you to all the fabulous individuals and groups who keep our Limpsfield woodlands so lovely…

Whistler’s Bridge (M25) footpath closure extension

Local walkers and runners will know that Footpath No. 75 at Whistler’s Bridge (where it crosses the M25) has now been the subject of a ‘Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order*’ (closure to pedestrians) since May 22 this year, as the bridge was deemed unsafe for pedestrian traffic. The closure was due to expire on 15 November 2019.

Pitchfont Lane is no longer a bog!

If you’re a regular walker or rider around the Limpsfield / Titsey area you will probably have had to tiptoe around the edge of Pitchfont bridleway on numerous occasions, as in the winter months or after heavy rain, it turns into a mire at the end of the lane by Titsey Road.  

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